I did the CQ WPX RTTY contest over the weekend. RTTY is fun and more interactive than FT digital modes.

Complete Log:

QSO:  7040 RY 2024-02-10 0411 KC3WWC        153        N6AR          599        1
QSO:  7064 RY 2024-02-10 0642 KC3WWC        599        KS9R          599        1
QSO:  7031 RY 2024-02-10 0705 KC3WWC        599        WV4P          599        1
QSO:  7049 RY 2024-02-10 0721 KC3WWC        599        NP4DX         599        1
QSO:  7067 RY 2024-02-10 0743 KC3WWC        599        KG9X          599        1
QSO:  7097 RY 2024-02-10 0747 KC3WWC        599        K9CT          599        1
QSO:  7088 RY 2024-02-10 0757 KC3WWC        599        WT4O          599        1
QSO: 28092 RY 2024-02-10 1546 KC3WWC        599        II3W          599        1
QSO: 28097 RY 2024-02-10 1816 KC3WWC        599        CR3DX         599        1
QSO: 28110 RY 2024-02-10 1825 KC3WWC        599        CR6K          599        1
QSO: 28117 RY 2024-02-10 1826 KC3WWC        599        NC0DX         599        1
QSO: 28120 RY 2024-02-10 1833 KC3WWC        599        NP3X          599        1
QSO: 28135 RY 2024-02-10 1836 KC3WWC        599        ZY2N          599        1
QSO: 21087 RY 2024-02-10 1925 KC3WWC        599        KS0AA         599        1
QSO: 21094 RY 2024-02-10 1926 KC3WWC        599        WQ5OO         599        1
QSO: 21097 RY 2024-02-10 1929 KC3WWC        599        K1USA         599        1
QSO: 21098 RY 2024-02-10 1932 KC3WWC        599        K7QA          599        1
QSO: 21114 RY 2024-02-10 1952 KC3WWC        599        N7WY          599        1
QSO: 21118 RY 2024-02-10 2000 KC3WWC        599        K6NR          599        1
QSO: 21124 RY 2024-02-10 2012 KC3WWC        599        HK1T          599        1
QSO: 21090 RY 2024-02-10 2034 KC3WWC        599        P49X          599        1
QSO: 21098 RY 2024-02-10 2038 KC3WWC        599        W4MLB         599        1
QSO: 21103 RY 2024-02-10 2044 KC3WWC        599        WD0J          599        1
QSO: 28091 RY 2024-02-10 2119 KC3WWC        599        PV2K          599        1
QSO: 14097 RY 2024-02-10 2209 KC3WWC        599        AC9S          599        1
QSO: 14102 RY 2024-02-10 2218 KC3WWC        599        KT4Q          599        1
QSO: 14116 RY 2024-02-11 0122 KC3WWC        599        AA0AW         599        1
QSO: 14092 RY 2024-02-11 0149 KC3WWC        599        K0TC          599        1
QSO:  7046 RY 2024-02-11 0205 KC3WWC        599        NW2P          599        1
QSO:  7054 RY 2024-02-11 0214 KC3WWC        599        KT4O          599        1
QSO:  7056 RY 2024-02-11 0219 KC3WWC        599        KG1V          599        1
QSO:  7068 RY 2024-02-11 0338 KC3WWC        599        NN4NT         599        1
QSO: 28086 RY 2024-02-11 1515 KC3WWC        599        EA8ZS         599        1
QSO: 28096 RY 2024-02-11 1527 KC3WWC        599        WQ5OO         599        1
QSO: 28099 RY 2024-02-11 1536 KC3WWC        599        EA8AH         599        1
QSO: 28107 RY 2024-02-11 1547 KC3WWC        599        ON7TK         599        1
QSO: 14109 RY 2024-02-11 1613 KC3WWC        599        AG4TT         599        1
QSO: 14088 RY 2024-02-11 1701 KC3WWC        599        KA4JAM        599        1
QSO: 28098 RY 2024-02-11 1849 KC3WWC        599        KF0IDT        599        1
QSO: 14095 RY 2024-02-11 1906 KC3WWC        599        ED1R          599        1
QSO: 14110 RY 2024-02-11 1909 KC3WWC        599        K3CY          599        1

Total of 41 QSOs and 38 unique prefixes.

Scores are based on same country, different country, and different continent. The multiplier is the number of unique prefixes.

See also