985 Workbench Net - 2024-03-04

This Week in Ham Radio

  • I pulled my j-pole wire into a tree by string for tonight, so it’s outside the house.
  • Started testing a longer 71-foot (21.65m) EFRW after months of using the shorter 41-foot EFRW.
    • seems mostly the same, so far.
  • ARRL Internationl DX SSB Contest
    • First time using SSB on HF
      • Usually digital modes
      • Not a rag-chewer: here to discuss tech
    • 41-ft random wire
    • 10 watts
    • 42 valid contacts in 37 DXCCs
      • Did hit Russia, but then realized I had tuned too low for my privileges
      • Hit lots of other parts of Europe and South America
    • I was Surprised how well SSB worked
    • I might want a vanity url:
      • Shorter: less room for error
      • People don’t seem to expect “WW”
      • People misheard 2 -> 3
      • Might be easier to type
    • It was nice to chase, since I could pause, relisten until I got the call, etc.

Question about Tuning SSB

During the DX contest, people were tuned all over, not just on full khz. A woman with a higher voice confounded me for a moment as I tried to get her to sound right. I was tuning by 100hz, so some were boomy low, a bit high-pitched, and some were just right. Tuning people a little higher made them easier to read, but that probably makes me lower for them. I tried to keep them as low as I could understand. RIT/XIT might have been useful for longer conversations.

What’s the best practice tuning SSB to hear clearly and tx as clearly as possible?

See also