17 people attended the net.
My Week in Radio
- POTA: Ridley Creek, east of West Chester
- 21.56m efrw
- embarrassing tangle of string, 30 minutes
- got New Zealand!
- POTA: Presque Isle State Park, Erie PA
- eclipse
- 21.56 efrw
- operated next to my brother, kc3wry from the same picnic table
- I worked 10m and he worked 40m
- our data logs will be used my HAMSCI people, University of Scranton
- Caught Pitcairn Island DXpedition, VP6G, on 5w FT8 10m.
- operating shifted, and was super quiet
- my first OC
- Operating HT at 5W
- dipole high in a tree
- too sensitive for this cheap HT
- FM bandstop filter to clean up the reception, especially for 985
- TX though it without any fire!
- Modified the database in my hf radio to mark the bandplan on the waterfall
- started a website for all my notes since october
985 Breakfast on Friday
- Lots of coax, antennas, analyzers, etc for sale.
Halyard on dipole install
- AF3Z, Jim
- Having a full halyard loop of rope to the pulley (like a flagpole) allows you to pull it up or down, whatever is needed.
- Avoids having a pulley up the tree with no rope because an end gets away.
Dipole in the Attic
- KCYYIT, Dave
- Built the fan dipole for 6m and 10m in the attic.
- Tuned it with nanovna
- Not too tricky or ambitious: only the 2 bands.
Mud Mosey
- Event at great marsh institute
- Course marshals used gmrs ch 17.
- 10 ham operators to help coordinate operations.
- Used simplex freq 147.12MHz
- Tom was net control
- KC3YVQ, Jack
- Does APRS kerchunk N3FYI?
- We don’t think so. It should transmit and receive on standard 144.390MHz