985 Workbench - 2024-04-22

My Week in Radio

  • I met some 985ers on Friday morning at the tailgate and breakfast.
  • I heard a bit of the ARISS mission talking to students last week
  • I have APRS working
    • UV-K5 running egzumer
      • VOX mode
      • Sensitive
    • Pixel 6 Pro
      • Volumes way up, nearly 100%
    • BTech audio cable
    • APRSDroid
      • AFSK mode
    • Saw decodes on the phone
    • Saw myself show up on https://aprs.fi map
  • Evolve 3 laptop is working with Linux completely:
    • network
    • sound
    • used it for a pota activation
  • Time to also slim down the go box for POTA as it’s gotten heavy.
  • 2m dipole in the tree working well for a couple weeks, so it’s time to change.
    • next: try building a ground-plane quarter-wave with radials
    • it’ll feed better from the bottom
  • Trying other firmware on the Quansheng radios
    • mixes of features I want and don’t want
  • W3FIS, Paul Ross, sent me a small box of some radio gadgets to explore
  • I’ve been seeing people recommend using a CW decoder
    • maybe try the decoder in my radio
    • get some practice keying, instead of waiting
  • York Hamfest is on Saturday

See also