My Week in Radio
- outside wire broke and rehung a couple times
- avoiding tension on it
- cheap throwing weight from big sockets from Habitat Restore
- my first summer of HF: May not be as exciting as past Winter/Spring
- tape measure yagi for direction-finding/tx
- Quansheng shows dB and S-level of the signal, so going to work nicely for direction-finding
- found a direction-finding map application for my phone to help with triangulation: SigTrax
- may go chasing a curious source noises in my area
- local club is gearing up for a tx hunt
- POTA / Field Day on the National Mall in DC
- GRA-1900t whip with coil with jumper
- noted resonant frequencies at each jumper fully extended, so lookup, jumper, then shorten to tune.
- ran out all the batteries, but got the park activated
- GRA-1900t whip with coil with jumper
- POTA around York/Lancaster
- oops, tick bite and lyme disease
- sorting all the gear for radio, electronics, other hobbies.
Other Info
- packet radio
- 145.010 FM 12db digipacket
- 28.105 USB 300bd digipacket
- 13 colonies activity this week
- Firecracker Hamfest this weekend
- Triangle Communication will have lots of gear to unload
- satellites
- 145.800mhz
- 145.825 digipeater packet
- 437.800 fm repeater
- Monday morning
- Tuesday morning
- Wednesday morning
- AO-91
- Monday
- Wed
- Thurs
- SO-50
- Tues 7pm
- etc