985 Workbench: 2024-07-08

My Week in Radio

  • I had time off, so lots of Parks on the Air
    • The entire Susquehanna River is considered US-4567 as the Captain John Smith Chesapeake Trail
    • I scouted some spots along the river.
    • I’ve been trying SSB P2P contacts first, then digital modes.
  • I found Ron, WA3VEE, and other familiar faces at Harrisburg Hamfest.
  • I got 9 of the 13 colonies on SSB and FT8, usually at parks.
  • That adjacent net on W3HZU was still a problem on my Quansheng HTs.
    • I’m trying the similarly cheap QRZ-1 Explorer tonight. It’s almost as bad.
    • I’m also trying the tape-measure yagi right now for some gain toward 985 and rejection toward 970.

Questions of the Night

  • CR, W8CRW: What would an air compressor from UK (230V, 50Hz) do on 240V/60Hz?
    • Induction motor may run 20% faster, out of spec, wear out more quickly
    • Starting capacitor for the motor may not be compatible
    • May be able to introduce a phase change transformer
  • Bill, KC3OOK: NVIS experiences for close contacts?
    • Jack, K3YVQ: good experience with “trapezoid-shaped” antenna wire: horizontal with ends dropped at an angle.
    • Harvey, KC3NZT:
      • half-wave above ground for better DX.
      • a second low antenna may not be worth the trouble of installing.
      • wait for a quiet time and get through to your target contact.
    • Jim, KC3RFG: Got 12mi to Philadelphia. Maybe that was ground-wave.
    • Jim, AF3Z: 10ft off the ground, a couple hundred miles
    • Chuck, NA3CW: “intentional NVIS” = 6ft off ground the whole way with counterpoise directly below, parallel to radiator.
    • Harvey, KC3NZT:
      • model verticals in EZNEC software
      • see lobes in radiation pattern
      • can be quite NVIS at some lengths
  • Jack, K3YVQ: Mounting and grounding an antenna on a kayak.
    • Harvey, KC3NZT: tape on the underside as a ground plane
    • Leon, AA3LH: glue a plate to the bottom
    • John, KC3WWC: float a wire on something floaty to keep it on the surface, see Coastal Waves and Wires on Youtube.
    • Wayne, KC3SQI: install foil tape like transducer for a fish finder

See also