985 Workbench: 2024-08-05

My Week in Radio

  • Mobile APRS is proving to be really short-range
    • Couldn’t even spot myself outside at Sam Lewis up on the hill
    • Cycled with it, but no traffic
    • Needs a real antenna
  • Some POTA
    • Sam Lewis, US-1418
      • found the leading park activator, kn3a, in my spot. :)
      • storms rolling in, so called it quits
      • watched 20m slam shut: decoding 30 signals to 4
    • Susquehanna River, US-4567
      • Columbia Riverfront Park that’s open after sunset
      • spanned into the next day…again, so had an incomplete and a complete activation.
  • Got an FT8 contact to Israel with 5W from home: first Asia for me.
  • Weekly RTTY Test and FT4 sprint
  • Ham radio software may not be the most efficient
    • fldigi left running but disconnected from radio ran CPU at 95C doing nothing.
    • GridTracker likes to burn cpu too when left running.
  • AB3AP, Mike, on EZ-Hang slingshot: I’ve given up the slingshot and just swing my throw line by hand.
  • KB3ILS, Keith: there are scripts online for 3d-modeling any size knob you need.


  • W3JAM, Jeff:
    • Does anyone have experience using Drake TR4CW on AM?
    • Can you add a noise blanker to this radio?
      • Noise blanker would alleviate pulsing noise from electric fence.
      • Jeff will be getting the entire manual library on CD, which will have information.
  • KC3OOK, Bill:
    • How do you connect a NanoVNA to an open wire feed line?
    • WA3VEE: Would you need a balun to start getting close to impedance to match the expected 50 ohm?
    • W3JAM: Doesn’t matter so much where it’s tuned, since you use it with a tuner anyway.
    • NA3CW:
      • You don’t want it to be resonant anyway, because being resonant will give you the largest extremes to tune when trying to move to other bands.
      • NanoVNA may be limited on the impedance it can read.
      • Dipole should be at least as long as half wave + a little
      • He extended a wire to get it to tune where it wouldn’t.
  • WA3VEE, Ron:
    • SOCO connectors carry 208V. When rewiring those connectors, what’s a good caulk-like sealant that could be used for “potting” the inside of the plugs?
      • Plain bathroom caulk can be conductive.
      • Silicon may breakdown at lower voltage than needed too.

See also