My Week in Radio
- I received a couple images from ISS, but it ended quicker than I realized.
- JARTS RTTY contest coming this weekend
- I did a little CW for POTA.
- Trying to reach a little further
over a hill and to the East
- building a yagi on a flag pole from a calculator using ARRL spacing
- 50W TYT radio
- This Week in Ham Radio Podcast Ham Radio History:
- 1916, amateurs exploring propagation
- 1917 first, faster trans-continental relays with ARRL
- K3EA
- Upcoming ARRL Sweepstakes for CW
- Munsters had a Ham Radio episode
- W3UU Harrisburg Ham Fest this Saturday
- ARRIS mission on 24 Oct, 11:15AM, 145.800MHz
- Tri-repeater is up: 224.210 PL 123.0, 449.925, 53.21
- Sudden SWR reading on 40M antenna