My Week in Radio
- I used N3KZ 440 repeater in York from Lancaster
- always surprised on their range.
- thought UHF didn’t go far.
- I built an Allstar node from a PI 4 and a USB-C radio dongle to reach a fringe repeater.
- I’m looking forward to FT challenge
- I stumbled into and recognized some Olivia-8/250 on 20M, and some SSTV
- I’ve been hearing lots of ISS repeater traffic at convenient times on my good ol’ 1/4 wave antenna in the tree.
- I got the radio blog up-to-date with all my adventures.
- 145.010 packet repeater
- K3EA, Greg:
- No contests this past weekend
- Next weekend:
- ARRL 160m CW at night
- FT challenge - normal exchanges
- December 14-15
- 10m contest, phone/CW, 48 hrs, should be great.
- Propagation should be normal and above normal
- WB3LNY, George:
- Working on ISS access.
- KA3TKW, Tom:
- ARISS mission 1622UTC, 145.800
- New satellite on Nov 4, AO-123, ASRTU, FM, 4-day pass
- Easy satellites
- ISS: 145.800FM, 145.825 packet, 437.800FM downlink
- AO-123, 435.400FM down
- SO-50, 437.795FM down
- K3DMM, Denny:
- Travel and simplex contacts
- K3AQ, Kenny:
- New laptop from Best Buy to run
, etc.
- New laptop from Best Buy to run
- Some
on HF - Some repeater work at reesers.
- Some
- W3MW, Don:
- Most bands on a vertical antenna.
- Mounting some antennas on the roof with a contractor.
- Built some more receive pre-amps.
Swap and Shop
- VE3HOH, Pete
- Rohn 25 sections + brackets
- 8 yagis for 432.
- Kushcraft yagi for 2 meters
- KA3TKW, Tom:
- Cheap UHF radios
- CMD-1550
- Shortwave receivers