My Week in Radio
- Monitoring some technical discussions
- tips on satellite repeaters, including listening duplex
- some radios have talk-around feature, which I’ve only done accidentally when misconfiguring the radio to talk on the repeater output
- FT Challenge over the weekend
- lots of activity on FT4, FT8, and subbands outside the usual
- found
available on my Debian machine:- better colors, location labels, and filters
- Learning obvious things about AllStar last week:
- my node is simplex, so while the net is transmitting, I can’t throw any DTMF at the node to control it
- minor delay resulted in lots of missed prefixes
News From Others
- W8CRW, CR: setting up for 10m
- KC3SCY, Luke: doing some good work on 10m
- KC3SQI, Wayne: POTA and 10m
- AF3Z, Jim:
- worked some of Europe on CW
- cleaning up radio stuff, workbench, dealing with excess hunks of wire
KC3TMZ, Matt: Looking to upgrade the coax run through a window. Should he get an MFJ passthrough or better recommendations?
- a couple people have some homebrew panels like the MFJ
- some have the MFJ panel
- others suggest passing a barrel adapter through the wall
- KC3WWC, John: there’s thin coax and flat coax for the purpose
KC3SQI, Wayne: The battery for the radio’s memory only lasts a couple weeks, so he runs a 12V wall wart to keep it powered, but also has a 35-amp 13.8V supply he wants to use. He isolates them with relays, but is there a solar controller way to switch. Blocking diodes? Recommendations?
- WA3KFT, John: his 7300 doesn’t have that problem. He uses a 12V bus on the desk. His 12V bus is powered by AC power supply on one side, and a 12V battery on the other side. so there’s always power. A blocking diode would need to be 30Amp.
- KC3RFG, Jim: The manual says power it a couple hours at least monthly to maintain that battery which holds clock and settings. Memories are on the SD card.