My Week in Radio
- ARRL 10m contest:
- 13 CW contacts logged on paper
- Iambic keyer set to 20 WPM somewhat confidently
- Still relying on radio to decode for me
- Hunting some CW POTA activators through the week
- Practicing copying CW
- Latest beta of Meshtastic app on Android is reconnecting automatically
- ISS SSTV 25 Dec - 4 Jan
- K3EA, Greg:
- FT8 whack-a-mole
- Saw some RTTY contests
- Canadian contest next weekend
- Jan 4-5 is RTTY Roundup
- Kids day
- Good space weather, peak of solar cycle
- DX
- Phillipines
- French Guyana
- WB3LNY, George:
- Diagnosing heating connections on large electrical panel
- NE3H, Joe:
- Spoke at length with a bunch of old acquaintances from Taiwan
- KC3VZU, Bob:
- Installing some coax and a 220MHz rig
- KD3AGU, Richard:
- Licensed 3 weeks ago
- Setting up DMR
- Listening to a net in Ephrata
- K3DMM, Denny:
- 16F outside, so no fun standing outside for satellite work
- Tuned some mobile antennas
- Worked a couple ISS passes
- Good SO-50 pass
- Looking forward to lunch on Thursday
- WA3WIJ, Ron:
- Rebuilding Halicrafters radio with caps and tubes
- Preparing for straight key night
- KC3ZBI, Ron:
- Working on an outside antenna
- Trying for 12 days of Christmas Event
- N7JMS, Jon:
- Got some new countries on FT8/FT4
- Building a 10M loop antenna
- Is there any C4FM or Fusion available in the Harrisburg area?
- K3DMM, Denny: 447.925