My Week in Radio
- ISS on scan, so caught part of an image
- passes are a bit early right now, and low
- POTA yesterday:
- 2 CW + 28 FT4 contacts on 20m
- pretty rusty on throwing the line into the trees
- bad section of coax
- some antenna maintenance on a nice day
- K3EA, Greg:
- Special event station with local station:
- W2T, Battle of Trenton
- W2P, Battle of Princeton
- Contests
- Canadian Winter Contest
- next weekend
- ARRL kids
- ARRL RTTY Round Up
- NA QSO party
- Propagation report and DX
- Dominica
- Fiji: 3D2GE, CW only
- watch the DX clusters
- after DXCC award, go for every country on every band.
- Special event station with local station:
- WB3LNY, George
- built a new pc with chirp, and synced up all his HTs
- VE3HOH, Pete
- cleanup, indoors.
- KA3TKW, Tom:
- ISS on night shift: good passes aren’t during the day.
- there’s a packet digipeater
- SSTV is active
- it was only doing telemetry over the weekend
- good passes for SO-50
- ham lunch had about 32 people
- thanks Glen for talking about DXCC
- zbitx
- 5 watt QRP SDR TRX
- will be buying one
- shipping in February
- 44 bit ADC
- ISS on night shift: good passes aren’t during the day.
- K3DMM, Denny
- caught SO-51 with a Baofeng 701
- KC3VZU, Bob:
- setup a new TYT 9000D with a slim jim outside
- KK4KKW, Steve:
- new end fed antenna strung into the trees, inverted L, trying it on 10M
- KC3ZBI, Ron:
- new antenna that’s not on the car now,
Swap and Shop
- WB3LNY, George
- dummy loads
- VE3HOH, Pete
- paddles, bugs
- vibroplex
- brown brothers
- oscilliscopes
- a couple Drake TR7s
- tower sections
- a couple Kenwood 130s
- email is good on
- paddles, bugs
- KA3TKW, Tom:
- 2 shortwave receivers: RadioShack DX440
- 0-30MHz all mode
- UHF motorola repeaters, 25W
- Yaesu FT1XD, dual band, APRS
- 2 shortwave receivers: RadioShack DX440
- K3MIJ, Troy
- looking for a commercial propane generator