My Week in Radio
- discovering some good old packet radio
- 145.010
- listen with
- search for a terminal program for android and linux
- patched my favorite firmware (f4hwn)
to better render the spectrum analyzer
for wide or narrow scan ranges
- built and tested on my own radio
- patch was accepted to the open source project, so it’ll be in the next release
- POTA in the cold in prep for field day
- W8CRW, CR:
- new radio from HRO
- WA3VEE, Ron:
- after 985 breakfast, at field day site, will be introducing radios for field day
- KC3RFG, Jim:
- first Raspberry PI kit for a Ham Clock
- KC3YSM, Steve:
- nets and POTA
- all US: GA, AL, MI
- nets and POTA
- AB3AP, Mike:
- hanging out on 30m
- learning to touch-type instead of handwriting from CW
- ARRL MP3s online
- 15 WPM typing, 18 WPM is a challenge
- jots keywords usually to be faster
- KC3OOK, Bill:
- hosted last roundtable
- net control for simplex net
- working on ham shack
- windy: gust of 39mph, antenna survived
- KC3SQI, Wayne:
- couldn’t get to the repeater due to lots of QRN from powerlines, trains, etc.
- AF3Z, Jim:
- SKCC had a weekend sprint-a-thon.
- operated from Cornwall station as W3CRS
- they were in 1st place until other clubs started uploading logs :)
- SKCC had a weekend sprint-a-thon.
- W3MFB, Mike:
- experimenting using gutter and down spout
and speaker wire as HF antenna
- 10W and it worked.
- recommending a similar setup to a friend
- experimenting using gutter and down spout
and speaker wire as HF antenna
- WA3VEE, Ron:
- We’re putting together some seminars/classes to share experience and knowledge.
- What would you like to talk about? theory or operation?
- NA3CW, Chuck:
- get the scope and meters out and discuss impedance, etc.
- KC3OOK, Bill:
- Ron’s discussion on oscilloscopes
- AF3Z, Jim:
- general approach to trying to fix something
- how to check equipment: bandpass filters, crystals
- W3MFB, Mike:
- understanding solar data
- NA3CW, Chuck:
- propagation
- KB3ZIM, Bob:
- revisit antennas and feedlines and their attributes
- KC3WWC, John:
- kit night to build something
- favorite equipment on the bench that others should have
- KC3OOK, Bill:
- soldering technique
- all basic test equipment
- NA3CW, Chuck: validating readings from equipment
- AF3Z, Jim:
- surface mount soldering
- NA3CW, Chuck: good tweasers
- KC3RFG, Jim:
- refresher on setup and use of NanoVNA
- W3MFB, Mike:
- soldering coax
- KC3WWC, John:
- digital modes old and new
- AF3Z, Jim:
- sorting out limitations of test equipment, signal levels
- W3MFB, Mike:
- tutorial for the young folks, how to build a repeater
- KC3SQI, Wayne:
- how do you find an interfering signal, fox hunting.
- KC3OOK, Bill:
- basic circuits
- NA3CW, Chuck:
- understanding antenna gain