ISS Repeater

I overheard some tips from Tom, KA3TKW, on the 21 repeater: Check out the AMSAT manuals for contacting satellite repeaters, and operate full duplex, so you can hear while transmitting.

iss  repeater  ka3tkw  21 

SPARC Elmer Night - 2024-04-16

I visited the K3IR tower site for their Elmer Night. People were configuring cameras and testing an ultra-portable FT8 setup:

  • truSDX radio
  • ft8cn on a phone
  • very lightweight wire antenna and transformer kit
  • an inexpensive, but super-long, fishing pole as a mast

(Now I need one of those fishing poles.)

I borrowed a soldering iron and started on my own project: assembling a couple common mode chokes from a short piece of RG174. It got dark quick, so I finished the chokes at home. It was my first time trying to crimp those SMA connectors.

I got a quick tour of all the repeater hardware. There are a lot more services running on these towers than I realized.

April Tower Drill

I’m listening to the April Tower Drill of Lancaster ARES. They seem to be roving around the county and contacting each of the repeaters to log a signal report at higher and lower power levels, especially down to HTs.

From the ARES page, I discovered a new repeater to add to my scan list: W3AD at 145.39 PL 118.8.

ISS Repeater

I tuned to the ISS Repeater on 437.8Mhz as it went overhead (according to gpredict). I couldn’t hear anything really, but I saw a signal sweeping in and out (doppler shift) as it would have been crossing over head.