Matthew passed his test for Technician. Callsigns:
He can use 10m and up with technician license.
Matthew passed his test for Technician. Callsigns:
He can use 10m and up with technician license.
I heard around 31m band (9700khz):
I tuned to the ISS Repeater on 437.8Mhz
as it went overhead (according to gpredict
I couldn’t hear anything really,
but I saw a signal sweeping in and out (doppler shift)
as it would have been crossing over head.
I heard WWV, the Fort Collins time signal at 5MHz in Neffsville. It was beeps, chirps, and an announcement.
I used the fully-extended, large dipole kit and the RTL-SDR to successfully receive lots of 40m signals. It may have been especially busy, since it was Labor Day in the US and Canada. I found FT8 (40m and elsewhere) signals from St Lucia, Slovinia, South America, Cuba, and a little FT4 (40m).
I also found some BPSK31, RTTY/45, and still unidentified digital signals.
I had fldigi
listening to SDR++
tuned to 7096kHz LSB for 20 minutes
and decoded a couple different documents
via differetn modes.
I also spun the dial to catch a couple other transmissions.
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