985 Workbench - 2024-04-29

My Week in Ham Radio

  • Built and deployed a 1/4 wave ground plane with radials
    • wire soldered to an UHF chassis plug
    • fed from the bottom
    • hung in a tree by cord
  • York Hamfest and 2 parks out that way
    • Codorus
    • Sam Lewis
    • EFRW
    • Mostly ft8
    • 40m hot at 5:30pm
    • 2 phone contacts in Canadian parks for park-to-park QSO
    • Took some time to experiment a little
    • Fishing pole mast with 3D-printed fork on the end to catch the wire
    • Stop pulling on coax…loosened ends
  • SPDX RTTY contest (Poland)
    • 2 contacts
    • ended at noon UTC on sunday, so ran out of time
  • AubsUK firmware for Quansheng
    • 10 scanlists
    • automatic scan on power-up, feature request
  • Picked up a new podcast: Ham Radio Workbench
  • Simplex Net: heard 16 of the 38 people

My Questions

  • with nicer weather and time to experiment with antennas, how would you recommend iterating and experimenting? I have:
    • the QRP transceiver
    • digital modes & pskreporter
    • nanovna
    • some modeling software I could learn
    • the latest ARRL Antenna Book


  • Dipoles, sloped or flat?
    • Flat leaves nulls toward the ends
    • Sloped fills it in to be a bit more omnidirectional
    • An antenna close to the ground is going to be NVIS
    • Vertical is omnidirectional
  • Ron’s seeing infinite SWR on the “screwdriver” antenna.
    • Others have had problems as well.
  • Mike wonders about viability of using 6m FM in his area
  • My Question: How should I evaluate and structure my experiments with antennas?
    • Conditions change constantly
    • Learn to read solar data
    • Take notes on conditions and try to test in similar conditions
    • Vic’s experiments:
      • endfeds
      • hamsticks
      • radials
      • aluminum screen or faraday cloth for ground plane
    • WSPRnet and pskreporter help gauge how you’re getting out
    • See what you can hear
    • Qualify callsign for different tests, so I can tell them apart in pskreporter: kc3wwc/a, kc3wwc/b, etc
  • Ken wonders about TNC for packet radio on HF/VHF
    • Glenn, N3MEL would be the person to contact
  • We heard lots of interference and doubling in the beginning of the net
    • This was likely another manifestation of intermod
    • Tropospheric ducting happens more in morning in the summer

See also