My Week in Radio
- I did field day with a group out toward Parkesburg
- I saw a fancy satellite station for sideband, etc in action
- Attended the lunch on Thursday
- Had Direwolf monitoring a plain ol’ Quansheng to decode packet
- Btech UV-PRO
- inexpensive
- APRS location and messaging
- KISS TNC over BT
- WoAD on android
- Winlink
- Terminal to access BBS on KA3TKW
- Trying to build a tactical delta loop
- 4:1 balun
- 2 17 ft whips
- 25 ft wire for the top
- 3d-printed base
- K3EA, Greg:
- QSO parties
- upcoming contests
- Solar weather
- DX
- Wake Island on 10M
- Gambia, 10-20m, FT8
- our sunrise
- Rowanda, 10-30m, FT8, CW
- New DXCC programs
- Cards from bureau
- Will talk at march lunch about Hamcation in Orlando
- WB3LNY, George:
- headed to Hamcation in Orlando
- KB9AWS, Bern:
- New batteries
- Appreciate the group you have, use the repeater
- VE3HOH, Pete:
- Working on a combo nvis dipole for 40 meters
- 20 ft above ground
- Inverted V
- Combo it with a vertial for 10M
- Looking at military antennas for manpack
- 30MHz-512MHz rubber duck on eBay
- Looking at some low-power, remote receivers
- Working on a combo nvis dipole for 40 meters
- K3SWZ, Glenn:
- Worked 20M helping test a new DX station in Kenya
- KA3TKW, Tom:
- 145.825MHz ISS packet digipeater
- KB3MIJ, Tray:
- Repairing some repeater hardware
- Got a replacement generator for a site
- K3DMM, Denny:
- Lunch on Thursday
- HT with Arrow to make ISS contacts and SO-50
- Try Arrow from inside
- KC3ZBI, Ron:
- Lunch on Thursday
- Starting figuring out LoTW
- N3LJP, Bill:
- Looking for charger for AA, AAA lithium batteries that runs off 120V.
- KC3BOB, Bob:
- Hobby King is a good mail-order shop for battery needs
- KC3WWC, John:
- I like my EBL chargers off Amazon
- Inexpensive
- KC3VZU, Bob:
- Ham lunch, liked the presentation
- Going to get HF rig up and running
Swap and shop
- WB3LNY, George:
- Looking for a teletype
- VE3HOH, Pete:
- Some yagis for weak signal work
- Drake TR7
- Kenwood 830
- KA3TKW, Tom:
- 25W Motorola mobile rigs
- RadioShack SW receivers
- Panasonic SW portable
- KB3MIJ, Tray:
- Jet turbine generator