985 Workbench: 2024-10-07

My Week in Radio

  • I saw some antennas at the Ham Fest, but I couldn’t bring myself to buy any. I’ll build.
  • I passed extra at the Ham Fest
    • I guess enough workbench discussion sunk into my brain.
    • Found I can download and search a copy of the entire ULS database like some of those other helpful websites that show available callsigns.
  • POTA along the Susquehanna River.
    • Normal FT8 to get to 10 contacts.
    • 1 CW contact, and it wasn’t painful.
    • I tested out my newest printed EFHW antenna winder.
  • Running and comparing Meshtastic and APRS more
    • Why use it?

Other News

  • WA3VEE, Ron, PA QSO Party this weekend.
  • KC3SCY, Luke, switched his loose couple radio from diode to cat whisker.
  • KC3ZSJ, Gary, is playing with new antennas.
  • W3FES, Fred, has a new FT-60R
  • AF3Z, Jim, is headed to Cornwall Ranger Station for PA QSO Party


  • KC3SZO, Chris: How can I overcome some terrain in the way of my RF?
    • WA3VEE, Ron: Antenna in the attic
    • NA3CW, Chuck: VHF isn’t exactly line-of-sight, so there is hope.
    • KC3WWC, John: Lower YAGI inside had advantages over a higher outside ground plane quarter wave.
  • AA3LH, Leon: Let’s confirm repeater settings for this old radio and new antenna going in the car.
  • KC3WWC, John:
    • I could change my callsign now.
    • I’ve only used this one for a year, so not super-attached.
    • For contesting, I see the benefit of a shorter call, so I might ultimately consider phonetic and morse weight.
    • How did you choose your vanity call? What strategies should I consider?
    • NA3CW, Chuck: initials.
    • W8CRW, CR: initials.
    • AA3LH, Leon: initials, and wanted an “A” call.
    • AF3Z, Jim: assigned by FCC. Consider how it sounds in CW.
    • WA3VEE, Ron: assigned, and sounds cool.
      • He also has K3DTS for the campus location of his old club.
      • quick and simple for CW
      • 1-by-1 is for special events.
      • easy to understand, so stay clear of confusing letters; V, C, Z, etc.
      • sound in sideband: normal or phonetic.
    • KC3OOK, Bill: assigned.
      • catching phonetic for DX
      • NA3NA was catchy.
      • KC3QQD is funny: Quack Quack Duck
    • Callsign ideas:
      • KD3FN
      • KB3VI
      • KC3VI
      • AA3WW
      • AA3KK

W3RRR Hamfest and POTA

W3RRR Ham Fest

I passed the test for Amateur Extra: 40/50 correct. I needed 37 correct.

US-4567, Captain John Smith Trail

  • POTA with Matthew, KC3WRY, at the boat launch under train tracks south of Marietta.
  • FT8 on 20M
  • 1 CW P2P contact on 20M. I didn’t fumble so much.
  • I used the newly-printed and rebuilt EFHW winder and throw line. The velcro strap remains a problem for snagging the line.

985 Workbench: 2024-09-30

My Week in Radio

  • I moved the tape-measure yagi to the top of a 25-foot flagpole in the backyard.
    • 10 W, but not quite doing it.
    • There’s still too much of a hill.
  • I upgraded the X6100 baseband, stock firmware, and 3rd-party firmware.
  • Some CW
    • barely got 2 CW contacts hunting POTA, but I got into their logs
    • heard AF3Z on 40m out on his trip
    • morsle app to practice copying CW words and call signs
  • I redesigned and printed a new antenna winder.
  • I heard some AM and some RTTY during contests.
  • I cleaned up and organized all the radio stuff from the move instead of contesting.
  • I’m going to try for my extra ticket at the next Ham Fest.

Others’ News

  • KB3RFG, Jim: all the bands open today in lots of directions
  • NA3CW, Chuck: lot’s of AM fun
  • AF3Z, Jim
    • spectated some RTTY contesting
    • 10m CW conversations
  • WA3VEE, Ron: LMR400 (KMR400) coax is lowest loss practical


  • KN3I, John: How does one make an AM rig sound good? Carrier power, modulation, etc.

10 Meter Opening

10 meter started opening today. With 5 watts, I got to Hawaii and Greenland.

10m  hf 

X6100 Firmware Again

Xiegu released another updated firmware for the X6100: APP 1.1.9 & BASE 1.1.8, dated 2024-09-23.

  1. I downloaded it from Radioddity, and wrote it to an SD card:
$ sudo dd if=sdcard.img of=/dev/sda bs=1M status=progress
  1. I booted the new card for the app upgrade to 1.1.9,
  2. I applied baseband 1.1.8 from the menu in the UI.
  3. I tried the CW key in the stock firmware, and it transmitted (unlike last time).
  4. I booted back to R1CBU, and it looked good there as well.

I did a little FT8, decoded some CW, and listened to some SSB on 40m. I found I could to turn the RF Gain closer to 100 instead of below 63. It may be reading slightly lower power on the display before ALC kicks in: up to but not over the 5W, where it used to often push a little past.

It’ll stay.

21 Technet: 2024-09-22

Week in Radio

  • Last weekend was POTA weekend: 4 setups and 5 activations in 2 days around Michaux State Forest area
  • Morsle to practice copying CW
  • My first 2 CW contacts hunting POTA
    • 40m
    • X6100
    • 71-foot EFRW
    • 3D-printed Iambic paddles
    • Fell apart pretty quickly, but got into their logs.
  • Testing the footprint of the KA3TKW VHF/UHF repeaters to high on a hill. near Wrightsville with my trusty Quansheng at the SPARC picnic
  • New house
    • Extending my meshtastic network with a minimal external antenna
    • Strong enough into 21 at 5 watts
    • Flagpole mast with a tape measure yagi to try to get back east to Parkesburg.
  • I was up way too late redesigning an antenna winder for the smaller balun I like.
    • I need to get the 3d printer and software going again since the move
  • Xiegu x6100 has another dangerous firmware update that I’ll try in the near future.
    • The last firmware stopped all TX, so we’ll see what happens this time.

Other News

  • A RTTY contest coming up this weekend
  • AO-91: Monday, 10:15pm EDT
  • SO-50: 437.795FM
  • The 6m 53.21 repeater is up.
21  technet  net  ka3tkw 

First CW Hunting POTA

I got in W1JMA’s log when they were activating US-7545. on 7047.5kHz. They looked me up in QRZ, so knew my name and location. I sent 599 and received 599. It was a super-minimal exchange, because I fumbled a lot.

I had to read a bit about how to correct errors, and I soon stumbled into AF3Z on 7036kHz, and I saw a funny series of attempted corrections: “a littr eee a littr eee a bit”

Later, I Got a second contact, KV4UD.

pota  cw  hf 

985 Workbench: 2024-09-15

My Week in Radio

  • Tried some new firmware for X6100, but no good
  • Moved Houses
    • installed some antennas
      • 71ft random wire
      • 1/4 wave ground plane
  • POTA weekend
    • Michaux State Forest
    • Caledonia State Park
    • King’s Gap Environmental Education Center
    • Pine Grove Furnace
    • Used an EFHW for everything
    • Ran out of battery on Pine Grove Furnace on the second day, so did the whole thing with 1W FT8.
    • Tried calling CQ on CW to see if RBN would pick me up.


  • Charles, KC3SWC: What books about operating do you recommand?
    • Ron, WA3VEE
      • ARRL Operating Guide
      • ARRL: Basic Electronics for Radio
      • Electronics for Hobbyists
    • John, KC3WWC
      • Spend lots of time listening to others
      • Youtube
    • Chuck, NA3CW
      • Lots of people are listening
      • Keep it civil
      • Keep it technical
      • Don’t bore people with aches and pains
      • ARRL Operating Manualy
      • ARRL Handbook
      • ARRL Antenna Book
      • Be helpful
      • Be interesting
  • Wayne, KC3SQI: How do you tone squelch for receiving and filtering away QRM from another repeater on the same frequency?
    • Ron, WA3VEE: tone squelch or “split tone”
    • CR, W8CRW: T-SQL = tone squelch
    • Chuck, NA3CW: would be useful when the band opened and a distant DMR is overtaking 985.
  • Ron, WA3VEE: Yaesu HTs can only do one of the other, not both.

POTA Weekend

I used the EFHW for everything. I activated 4 park entities:

  • Caledonia State Park after riding the Michaux GRVL ride.
  • Michaux State Forest from the ATV trail parking on the ridge.
  • Kings Gap Environmental Education Center late in the day, so I raced a little.
    • antenna up in about 8 minutes
    • 10 contacts within 26 minutes
    • on the road again 14 minutes later
  • Pine Grove Furnace the next morning, where I ran out of battery, so I did the whole thing with 1W FT8. I practiced a bit and started putting out my call on CW to see if RBN would pick me up, but kept it to a shy 1W. It didn’t pick me up.
pota  hf  camping 

Failed Upgrade for X6100

Radioddity had the new firmware for the X6100. I downloaded it, wrote it, installed it, and rebooted it to see the stock APP 1.1.8 and BASE 1.1.7. That mostly-useless audio spectrum is gone. The strange jump at 63 in RF GAIN is fixed.

BUT transmitting gave NO POWER. R1CBU also exhibited the problem. When I downgraded to BASE 1.1.6, it transmitted again. Others had seen this problem as well, while others had it work. It must have depended upon variations in the hardware.