985 Workbench Net - 2024-03-04

This Week in Ham Radio

  • I pulled my j-pole wire into a tree by string for tonight, so it’s outside the house.
  • Started testing a longer 71-foot (21.65m) EFRW after months of using the shorter 41-foot EFRW.
    • seems mostly the same, so far.
  • ARRL Internationl DX SSB Contest
    • First time using SSB on HF
      • Usually digital modes
      • Not a rag-chewer: here to discuss tech
    • 41-ft random wire
    • 10 watts
    • 42 valid contacts in 37 DXCCs
      • Did hit Russia, but then realized I had tuned too low for my privileges
      • Hit lots of other parts of Europe and South America
    • I was Surprised how well SSB worked
    • I might want a vanity url:
      • Shorter: less room for error
      • People don’t seem to expect “WW”
      • People misheard 2 -> 3
      • Might be easier to type
    • It was nice to chase, since I could pause, relisten until I got the call, etc.

Question about Tuning SSB

During the DX contest, people were tuned all over, not just on full khz. A woman with a higher voice confounded me for a moment as I tried to get her to sound right. I was tuning by 100hz, so some were boomy low, a bit high-pitched, and some were just right. Tuning people a little higher made them easier to read, but that probably makes me lower for them. I tried to keep them as low as I could understand. RIT/XIT might have been useful for longer conversations.

What’s the best practice tuning SSB to hear clearly and tx as clearly as possible?



The SSB part of the ARRL DX Contest this weekend was a phone contest contacting DX stations only. I used the X6100 running 10W and 41-foot random wire out front window from Mountville.


The exchange was:

  • Me: 59 <state> (PA, papa alpha)
  • Them: 59 <tx power>


My raw score for my 42 contacts was 3 * 42 * 37 = 4662, but I’m sure some logs may be busted, so it’ll be less. I qualified as low power, limited antenna.

I logged directly into QRZ.com. I could take time to understand their entire callsign and then call back.

Logs I submitted:

CREATED-BY: adif2cabrillo.com version 3.0.1
QSO: 14318 PH 2024-03-02 0331 KC3WWC        59  PA     VP5M          59  100    1
QSO: 14288 PH 2024-03-02 0416 KC3WWC        59  PA     V3O           59  1000   1
QSO:  7227 PH 2024-03-02 0438 KC3WWC        59  PA     KP4AA         59  1000   1
QSO:  7191 PH 2024-03-02 0455 KC3WWC        59  PA     EI7M          59  1000   1
QSO:  7181 PH 2024-03-02 0500 KC3WWC        59  PA     TM6P          59  1000   1
QSO: 14271 PH 2024-03-02 0609 KC3WWC        59  PA     EW5A          59  1000   1
QSO: 14264 PH 2024-03-02 0612 KC3WWC        59  PA     WP3C          59  100    1
QSO: 28379 PH 2024-03-02 1622 KC3WWC        59  PA     OM0R          59  1000   1
QSO: 28396 PH 2024-03-02 1645 KC3WWC        59  PA     OL8W          59  700    1
QSO: 28455 PH 2024-03-02 1707 KC3WWC        59  PA     SP8R          59  1000   1
QSO: 28499 PH 2024-03-02 1726 KC3WWC        59  PA     YT1X          59  1000   1
QSO: 28516 PH 2024-03-02 1728 KC3WWC        59  PA     IO5O          59  500    1
QSO: 28586 PH 2024-03-02 1735 KC3WWC        59  PA     TK4TH         59  500    1
QSO: 28582 PH 2024-03-02 1742 KC3WWC        59  PA     E70T          59  1000   1
QSO: 28589 PH 2024-03-02 1757 KC3WWC        59  PA     P40L          59  1000   1
QSO: 21280 PH 2024-03-02 1826 KC3WWC        59  PA     SP8R          59  1000   1
QSO: 21294 PH 2024-03-02 1830 KC3WWC        59  PA     II2S          59  500    1
QSO: 21298 PH 2024-03-02 1837 KC3WWC        59  PA     EW5A          59  1000   1
QSO: 21322 PH 2024-03-02 1843 KC3WWC        59  PA     II2Q          59  500    1
QSO: 21330 PH 2024-03-02 1850 KC3WWC        59  PA     SN2B          59  1000   1
QSO: 28649 PH 2024-03-02 2244 KC3WWC        59  PA     LT3E          59  1000   1
QSO: 21445 PH 2024-03-02 2318 KC3WWC        59  PA     P40L          59  1000   1
QSO: 21420 PH 2024-03-02 2322 KC3WWC        59  PA     8P5A          59  1000   1
QSO: 21345 PH 2024-03-02 2350 KC3WWC        59  PA     PJ5/SP9FIH    59  100    1
QSO: 21338 PH 2024-03-02 2352 KC3WWC        59  PA     ED8W          59  1000   1
QSO: 21290 PH 2024-03-02 2357 KC3WWC        59  PA     ZF1A          59  1000   1
QSO: 14237 PH 2024-03-03 0013 KC3WWC        59  PA     TM6M          59  1000   1
QSO: 14247 PH 2024-03-03 0020 KC3WWC        59  PA     9A1A          59  1000   1
QSO: 14258 PH 2024-03-03 0022 KC3WWC        59  PA     IO6T          59  500    1
QSO: 14258 PH 2024-03-03 0025 KC3WWC        59  PA     TI1T          59  1000   1
QSO: 14272 PH 2024-03-03 0028 KC3WWC        59  PA     LP1H          59  1000   1
QSO: 14284 PH 2024-03-03 0035 KC3WWC        59  PA     IO5O          59  500    1
QSO:  7194 PH 2024-03-03 0048 KC3WWC        59  PA     SP8R          59  1000   1
QSO:  7258 PH 2024-03-03 0101 KC3WWC        59  PA     J62K          59  1000   1
QSO:  7236 PH 2024-03-03 0241 KC3WWC        59  PA     NP4Z          59  73     1
QSO: 14330 PH 2024-03-03 0312 KC3WWC        59  PA     II2Q          59  500    1
QSO: 28308 PH 2024-03-03 1457 KC3WWC        59  PA     S55OO         59  1000   1
QSO: 28327 PH 2024-03-03 1511 KC3WWC        59  PA     9A7V          59  1000   1
QSO: 28367 PH 2024-03-03 1526 KC3WWC        59  PA     NP2J          59  1000   1
QSO: 28369 PH 2024-03-03 1532 KC3WWC        59  PA     SJ8R          59  1000   1
QSO: 21285 PH 2024-03-03 2332 KC3WWC        59  PA     HK1T          59  1000   1
QSO: 21338 PH 2024-03-03 2343 KC3WWC        59  PA     T42T          59  1000   1


I had some problems conveying my call over phone:

  • Stations heard my “3” as “2”
  • Stations don’t expect “WWC” (“whiskey whiskey charlie”), and hear it as “VWC” (“victor whiskey charlie”).

I made 42 valid contacts, and 4 were outside my privileges as general. I’m not accustomed to thinking about the boundaries in the SSB portion of the bands.

For my future reference, I noted voice ranges for general:

  • 3800-4000 khz
  • 7175-7300 khz
  • 14225-14350 khz
  • 21275-21450 khz
  • 28300-29700 khz

Question on Tuning SSB

During the contest, people were tuned all over the place and not aligned on 1 or 0.5 khz. I tried to align with them, but sometimes higher was easier to read, but does that shift my voice for them? RIT/XIT may have been the answer for longer contacts, but not for this quick stuff. A woman’s higher voice confounded me a bit as I tried to fine tune.


I had great fun yelling my callsign all weekend, and it’s the most I’ve ever used my microphone.

arrl  contest  ssb  dx 

New 21.56m EFRW

I assembled a new 71-ft (21.56m) EFRW and strung it up at Emily’s. It’s 5-6ft off the ground. I give it a 17-ft (5.2m) counterpoise and a 9:1 unun as usual. 2:30pm EST, 1W into it gets me midwest to a little bit of Europe on 10m. I’m not making many contacts, so I bumped up to 5W.

The antenna tunes on 40m too just fine. I’m getting a few more contacts there.

As a new strategy, I’m aiming for ALC around 1.0, instead of just below any movement. This allows me to not touch the power slider in WSJT-X quite so much.

antenna  dx  efrw 

R1CBU 0.20.0

A new R1CBU firmware is available for the X6100.

I wrote the image to the micro SD card:

$ sudo dd if=x6100_r1cbu_v0.20.0_sdcard.img bs=1M of=/dev/sdb status=progress

It’s working fine. Auto levels for waterfall and spectrum seems useful, but it still shows the min/max level settings that do nothing while in auto. I had to set up all preferences again, since it comes with a new database on the image.

x6100  r1cbu 

985 Workbench Net - 2024-02-12

My Week in Ham Radio CQ WPX RTTY contest Chased 41 contacts Called CQ with no responses Played in the front yard getting my existing random wire a little higher in the tree Running around 20 minutes before this meeting to try to get my 2m antenna in a place that makes sense. I failed, so I’m on EchoLink. Others’ Questions Number codes? 73, 72 best regards in QRP. Recapping equipment Check temperature ratings of capacitors 85C vs 105C Keeping voltage applied regularly keeps a capacitor in good function Try to operate capacitors nearer to their V rating to keep them “formed up” Is anything leaking from the bottom of the caps Signs of problems? [Read More]

985 Workbench Net - 2024-02-05

My Week in Ham Radio

  • Chuck’s repairs sound fascinating
    • enough basic electronics from childhood to get to general
  • HF radio
    • QRP X6100 with 3rd party firmware - R1CBU
    • Maintainer is flaming out
      • ungrateful complaints
      • unhelpful bug reports
    • Source code is available, so some of us may pick it up
    • UI is an app running on a small embedded linux computer
  • Flashed new firmware onto my Quansheng UV-K5 HT
  • Restrung a random wire
    • From a steep sloper into a tree in front yard to flat horizontal to the shed in the backyard.
    • Patterns in FT8 contacts look a little different
  • Learning CW
    • Morse machine
    • All 40 characters they quiz: Koch method
    • Try the feel with a 3d-printed iambic key
    • Next try a different character set: cwops
    • Next more traditional copying exercises


  • Often rebuilding and testing antennas
    • On HF, I can test with FT8 and pskreporter
    • See effect of my changes and maybe more propagation conditions
    • For VHF, how variable are the conditions?
    • On the fringe of accessing 985.
    • Slight repositions with unintuitive results
    • What conditions affect propagation to a repeater like this one?
    • What can I measure?
  • Requirements for the Scout badge in radio?

985 Workbench Net - 2024-01-29

My Week in Ham Radio FCC/ARRL meeting in Harrisburg Activated a state game land park after the meeting 10m near Middletown Lots of west coast Compared vertical whip with jumpered coil vs efrw Built more wire j-poles for more permanent mount NanoVNA is lots of fun, since I can now measure and tune any antennas Field day at Welsh Mountain with W3RRR club Repack bag yet again for portable op Learned about winlink Operated outside on 80m at 3pm, so slow Clipperton on 40m FT8 Back to learning CW on morse machine at LCWO. [Read More]

Day of Radio

ARRL/FCC/ARCC in Harrisburg

KA3TKW and the 21 repeater group hosted a lunch with representatives from the ARRL, the FCC, and the ARCC.


I stopped at State Game Land 246 near Middletown to activate on 10m FT8/FT4.

I used 2 different antennas: - initially used Grabil whip fully extended, shorted coil, w/ tuner - 12.5m EFRW thrown into a tree Both antennas seemed to perform similarly. I was skipping far: lots of contacts came from Oregon, Washington, and I even got Alaska.

Clipperton DX

Later that day, I also contacted the Clipperton DX station, TX5S, on 40m via FT8